Retrieve a piece of your past and feel more complete in the present.
Shamanism might be considered the world’s oldest spiritual practice. For tens of thousands of years our ancestors have used shamanic methods to contact sources of wisdom and power, not just to benefit themselves, but to bring healing, knowledge, and practical wisdom to others.
what is a shaman
Every Shaman brings a message to the world that urges us all to connect with nature.
Every Shaman brings a message to the world that urges us all to connect with nature.
Shamans help us to remember that humans are a product of nature’s creations, just like any other living thing on Earth, and as products of nature, we need to be attuned with it to live in harmony.
A Shaman refers to a person who, using rhythmic drumming are able to experience an altered state of consciousness, and travel to other realms to make direct contact with helping spirits for the purpose of healing.
I have studied shamanic healing and divination with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies since 2017. For many years now I have also been learning a great deal from my helping spirits.
What are Shamanic healing practices?
What are Shamanic healing practices?
Power animal retrieval (restoring spiritual power to the individual)
Shamanic extraction (removal of spiritual intrusions or energies that simply do not belong)
Soul retrieval (reintegrating soul parts that have departed from a client)
Shamanic drum healing (allowing the healing power of spirits to pass through the drum to the client)
Passing on the power of the helping spirits to the client
Psychopomp work (helping/guiding souls who have passed)
Shamanism and Modern Medicine
Shamanic practices do not interfere with any medical treatments a client may be following under a doctor’s care. In no way does shamanic work replace such medical treatments. I do not diagnose or treat injuries or illness, nor do I prescribe any medications. Shamanic treatments are in no way intended to take the place of a doctor’s care. Shamanic treatments are seen as a complementary aid to a client’s physical and mental well-being.
How much does Shaman Healing cost?
Shaman Healing $95 CAD
1hr $95 CAD
Reading with Shamanic Journey $110 CAD
This powerfully unique reading begins energetically before our confirmed physical meeting takes place. Upon booking your appointment you will be asked for your permission allowing me to perform a Shamanic Journey to gain greater insight into your higher consciousness and to learn of Helping Spirits’ messages of guidance and healing for your soul’s highest purpose. Clients immensely enjoy learning ‘who’ (people transitioned) and ‘what’ (animals, flowers, songs etc.) appear for this profoundly personal experience! An in-depth description of the journey and its symbolic messages will be shared with you during our time together.
I use the Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck and a selection from Oracle Decks that I feel intuitively pulled to for your reading. I remain forever grateful for spirits’ presence of grace, wisdom and of course humour throughout our session.